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About me
Favorite film : A Clockwork OrangeFavorite music artist (at the moment): Tyler The Creator
Favorite TV show: True Blood.
Interesting thing about me?: For you to find out ^_~
Occupation: Telerecruiter
About my collections
I have a lot of movies. And video games. My favorite author is Chuck Palahniuk.Lists
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Final Fantasy Meme. (teamdaigurren)
(16 items)Game list by TeamDaiGurren Published 13 years ago
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Spongebob and the 7 Deadly Sins.
(7 items)Dvd list by TeamDaiGurren Published 13 years ago
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Movies That Are Secretly Loved.
(17 items)Movie list by TeamDaiGurren Published 13 years, 2 months ago
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Skins 30 Day Challenge
(30 items)Person list by TeamDaiGurren Published 13 years, 2 months ago
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Movies with memorable phone booth scenes.
(17 items)Movie list by TeamDaiGurren Published 13 years, 6 months ago
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Recent reviews
Skins review

I effing LOVE this show. Which is so unlike me because I can't stand teen dramas. (Degrassi, ew.)
I remember sitting down and (sadly) watching the first episode from the U.S. version of Skins because it had such a big hype. I was SO disappointed that I just never watched it again.
About a few months later I found on my Netflix the U.K. version. To be honest I was probably drunk and wanted to put something on to fall asleep to, much to my surprise I couldn't look away.
I probably finished the first 2 seasons in 4-5 days. It was non stop. I even got my boyfriend to watch it with me.
Something about the U.K. version is just SO RIGHT.
The accent? Yeah.
The cast/characters? Yeah.
The attitudes, events, and drama? Of course.
All of it just fit together in a perfect masterpiece of a show. I don't think there is anything that could make it better.
Yes, it did have multiple events that are just way too heartbreaking and insane to all happen to a small group of friends. It wasn't overbearing though. The SUPER crazy situations that happen are limited and in place of all shock factor (which they could have easily done) there were legit situations that I could relate to. Things happen in this show that I have dealt with before and it's crazy to sit there and watch it, almost reliving it.
I'm pretty sure I've connected emotionally to the characters in seasons 1-2 than any other character(s) ever. When Tony gets hit by a bus, when Sid losses his dad, when Chris dies, the goodbye that Tony and Sid make before he leaves for New York I must admit 1-3 tears did fall from my eyes.
Despite all the drama and heavy subjects there is a great handful of humor even in the most intense of situations. This makes it hard to hate the show because you think it's too serious. How can you hate it for being serious if you find yourself laughing every 5 minutes?
As for the casting, again flawless.
Nicholas Hoult made me fall in love with Tony. I feel like this was brilliant because Tony is a womanizer, so falling in love with Tony is so ironic. In the scene where he's auditioning for the choir in the first episode I felt like I was one of the choir girls just sitting there daydreaming about how perfect he is. If an actor can make me feel like one of the characters in the show then your doing something right. Also, no matter how much he's a 'Wanker', you can't help but love him. It's like a curse.
Mitch Hewer as Maxxie was another great character. He played such a perfect gay guy, I don't think there was an episode where you don't agree with him.
Mike Bailey as Sid. Sid was such a good character. He grew the most in the 2 seasons out of all of them in my opinion. I love how they made him and Tony best friends even though they are total opposites.
Kaya Scodelario as Effy. Effy is the ONLY reason I started season 3 (which I'm having a hard time getting through) I loved how she grew through the 2 seasons.
Joseph Dempsie as Chris. I feel he was the biggest comic relief out of the entire cast. He so lovable and silly which makes his death SO HEARTBREAKING.
Lastly Hannah Murray as Cassie. Cassie was so interesting the entire 2 seasons it's hard not to be into her. She was so mental it was almost creepy.
Of course there is also Michelle, Anwar, Sketch and Jal. I honestly didn't connect as much as the others listed above, but of course all of them are huge factors in the series.
All of this being said, I am so picky about the 'new generations' of Skins. I'm half way through the 'Effy' gen. (seasons 3-4) and I'm not feeling it. I feel like the characters are less attaching to me. Which is sad because the first Gen. was SO GOOD. Hopefully things turn around.
Update!** 12032011
Watched seasons 3-4. Can't say I'm too impressed. The only characters I can connect with is Freddie, (omg, I can't believe what happens to him...) and Effy. Didn't really care about anyone else. I felt like everyone else were annoying.
Season 5...omg it's so good. So far ALL of the characters I find are easy to relate with. Excited for season 6.

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox review

What is funny is when I first started using it me and my friends had this joke about it because on the label there is the smallest print ever rambling about this crazy stuff about religion, self coming, and togetherness. We thought it was hilarious. Of course I read it all being intrigued and it's just interesting.
I'm so glad this documentary came out. I am so glad I know what kind of person Dr. Bronner really was.
He's exactly the way I thought he would be. Absolutely nuts.
I am so happy that his son is carrying on his traditions and pushing his message out there. This documentary showed me just how nice the entire Bronner family is.
It was interesting to hear the public talk about this soap and what they mainly use it for because this soap can literally be used in over 20 ways.
Brush your teeth?
Wash your dog?
Wash your walls?
Get rid of headaches?
With the peppermint brand of his soap hell yeah it can.
This dude made a universal miracle liquid. This documentary leads you into the life of this genius and what impact he has made on the world.
Little did I know that the label on each of his bottles is his own personal teachings that he created of which he believes everyone should follow. Despite the broken English of it, it sounds like he was a very god-connected person.
Overall: this documentary is great, mainly because I am an avid user of this soap and the bottle has intrigued me for over a year now. I finally I got to learn all about it.

Jackass 3 review

I love how they added the slow motion feature to make you see the impact of each of the painful outcomes.
My favorite out of this one has to be the skit with the jet air stream, omg it looks like hell.
I have yet to see it in 3D and to be honest I'm kind of scared to.
I also noticed that in this one it's so plainly seen that they ALL are getting older. Which makes me realize that in the near future I see Jackass ending. Which isn't necessarily bad, because what they have produced is hilarious, mind numbing comedy.
Overall: I just love Johnny Knoxville.
Steve-o looks hella better in this one as well. I'm glad he's not destroying himself with hard drugs anymore and is just destroying himself with T-balls to the nuts.

Confessions of a Superhero review

I love how it follows 4 key 'look-a-likes' of whom I feel are 4 of the most important superheroes.
To be honest I was kind of annoyed with 2 out of the 4 of them.
Superman was just ANNOYING! I get it, you love Superman. Yea, you kind of even look like him... when you spend 2 hours on your hair and make up. Unfortunately I feel like he takes it too far. I understand he is obsessed, but come on. It gets to the point where its creepy. I have to admit though at the convention what he did for his girl was so cute :).
The other character I thought was annoying was Batman. He was so into himself it wasn't even funny. Sorry, dude, you don't look like George Clooney. He needs to grow up and come to grips that anger doesn't solve everything. It also touched on the fact that he might be mentally ill? It wouldn't surprise me. His sheer mannerism is what annoyed me about him. I can't stand people like the way he is. Which is a shame because Batman is awesome.
I did enjoy Wonder Woman and The Hulk's stories.
Honestly I thought Wonder Woman was hot ^_^ and fit perfectly with the way Wonder Woman should look. She was overall cute and bubbly, and the more you learned about her story the more heartbreaking it was. I felt like you could relate to her the easiest and was the most sane one out of the bunch.
The Hulk's story was heartbreaking as well. I feel so bad for people who try so hard just to have a roof over their heads and have to resort to living on the streets for a while just to get there. He has been through so much and can't seem to get a break. My heart goes out to people like that. It wasn't like he was caught up in some bad drug habit he had to work his way out of or anything. Bad things shouldn't happen to good people.
Overall the documentary taught me about how much shit these people go through. I know if I ever find myself on Hollywood Blvd. I am going to get a picture and make sure to tip these people because they have a very weird and stressful profession.
I enjoyed the fact that this documentary held your attention and makes you so interested in the lives of these people. It was a very worthy documentary

2012: Time for Change review

To be honest, my avid research and long drawn out hours upon hours of disscussions with my friends about the different ideas has tired me and quite frankly freaked me out.
I haven't come up with a logical explination on what will happen (the same as everyone else) bottom line is WE JUST DON'T KNOW! And even if we DID know, there is nothing we can do about it. So I decided to just stop caring. Whatever. If the world ends, whatever. If a nuclear warfare breaks out, whatever. If the energy of all the planets aligning causes some freak electro-magnetic charge in our brains, whatever. I don't even care if God comes reigning down from the heavens to deliever us all.
Regardless, my mom (bless her heart) came to me and told me about this documentary. So I watched it despite my lack of enthusiasm about the subject.
I was really suprised. It mostly touched base on the ancient texts of the Myans at first, and then changed the subject to mother nature, and how the change coming in 2012 might be another 'revolution'. (I.E The Industrial Revolution, the Techonology Revolution). They are mostly premoting the fact that MAYBE what is coming is going to force us to go back to our roots and start being economically smart. I like that idea and I promote it 100%. If that IS what is coming then I will embrace it with arms wide open. Maybe if we start growing our own food again and being more consious of our surroundings and lifestyles and the damage done to our planet then major problems like obesity and crime will decrease.
The disscusions that take place in this film are logcal and help you understand the psychological effects this 2012 conspiracy brings to the population.
It's much more than just a documentary to shove down your throat some scary facts behind 'out of this world' ideas scientists have about the upcoming year. It gives you hope, and reassurance, and also there is a lot of awesome stories that are told. You get introduced to state of the art ideas about architecture, energy use and mobility for a more eco-friendly planet.
It's not just a documentary about what is to come, it's also a documentary about whats going on right now as well.
Overall this documentary was very educational and fufilling (especially in my eyes) and I for once I can finally say, I'm kind of excited to see what is going to happen.

Smiley Face review

Overall nothing too excellent, it is a stoner movie which I honestly am pretty critical about because I feel like nothing could ever beat 'Dazed and Confused'.
The story is crazy and creative and there are actors that make cameos where I found myself surprised. Such as Danny Masterson, Adam Brody, John Krasinski, John Cho, Carrot Top, Jane Lynch, Brian Posehn, and Danny Trejo.
While watching this movie, I felt bad for Jane just wishing that her poor endevours would just work out. Another film where the main character gets nothing but stepped on.
I can relate to this movie (sadly) I made the same mistake Jane did one time (of course I didn't eat 6 I ate 1) and for some reason I was absolutely wreaked. I never did know exactly how much were in those, but I remember feeling just like Jane did in this movie. The fact that I could relate made it funnier to me.
This movie overall is nothing special, kinda a waste of a good hour and a half. Overall just normal funny, nothing too side splitting. Regardless the amount of good actors in this movie is quite surprising. The roles were played well (other than Adam Brody, dreads are so lame on him).

Dread review

First off this movie has a strong indie feel which is something I love in movies. That being said, not only is it an indie film, but it's a horror as well.
Two of my favorite things in one shot. That's pretty good in my case.
The cinematography is in my opinion too dark. It's also one of those movies where you have to turn it up during the quiet moments and then turn it down when a song cues in of if there is a burst of screaming.
As for the story, it was intriguing. It starts off fine, like it's going to be a college film (which it is, but far from any other college film I've ever seen) and the farther you get into the film the more it unfolds and the worse things get.
There are several characters that have a large impact in this film, all of which you get to know well enough to want to watch the movie but don't really deeply connect with (at least as much as I was hoping to).
These few flaws easily are made up with the fast and un-expecting horror scenes. (I.E. The sex scene). Literally your watching this film and something normal is going on and then BAM blood and loud noises.
Shaun Evans played his part beautifully. Jackson Rathbone did his part good as well, he was as awkward and wimpy as I had hoped the main character would be.
There is definitely a shock factor in this film. Like I said earlier there are quick un-expected horror moments as well as a psychological horror aspect to it. There are scenes that can be deeply disturbing which I would find myself looking away. The biggest shock value in this film HAS to be the ending.
The ending to this film is SO CRAZY that you literally are left being like 'omg, did that just happen?' which was the biggest turn on to this film.Gotta love those 'in your face cliche!' endings.
Overall this film I feel like is one of the better horror films to have come out since the early 00's. Great indie feel, great shock value, great story, great performances from new actors and actresses. Also a decent soundtrack which is always good.

Party Monster review

The sheer mix of comdey, wit and drama is on sync with what it should be.
The casting for this movie is absolutely A+, ESPECIALLY Marilyn Manson as Christina. Also memorable performances by Seth Green and Macaulay Culkin (of course). It also struck me as hilarious that Wilmer Valderrama did Keoki's role.
Personally the book is more in depth and entertaining, but over all the film was very accurate to the events that actually occurred in real life.
I also love the fact that they used the actual costumes that James St. James and Michael wore back in the 90's.
One small factor is that I feel like this movie is a tad bit too long. You get the point at an early age of the film (they do drugs, they like to be obscene and party), causing the rest of the film to be repetitive and feeling longer than what it really is.
Overall I love this film because not only does it entertain with a ridiculous story and characters but it also tell a painfully true life story of something that did actually happen. Especially being it's a story not too many people know about being that it was short lived. Also the costumes and fashion are so fabulous, it's hard to look away.

Silent Movie review

Number one, it's a movie that is silent (except for one word) about movie producers who want to do a silent movie in a modern era.

Hesher review

Although it DOES have it's flaws, I can oddly relate to this film.
Lets start with the flaws. This film is so funny in the fact that the entire time Hesher is this badass, no rules, looking out for only me kind of character but eventually and at random times turns into this guy who is like all knowing, and caring individual. Pick which kind of person Hesher is, please. Regardless of this fact, when he IS portrayed as a caring individual, he does it in the right way by comparing the big situation to a story he has, in which the story is usually silly and completely hilarious.
Another flaw in this film is Natalie Portman's character. Nicole was completely unnecessary, to the point of being painful. I can see if she had a bigger role in the film, but overall except for the obvious situation she gets involved in, has no huge factor in this movie. Why did they hire a big time actress like Natalie to do this role? I have no idea. Nicole also was suppose to look in her early 20's when she looked like she was pushing 30.
Finally the last thing I hated about this film is that T.J never gets a break. Ever. In real life if someone his age had to go through everything T.J. did in this film they would be emotionally scarred for the rest of their life. It's almost painful how much you just wish something good would happen to this poor kid.
Ok now some good points. The story was overall great. I love the grandmother character, which makes this movie great. She reminded me of my grandmother, which made me sad, but also made me relate.
Another reason I can relate (and the biggest reason why I love this movie) is because I have friends who are EXACTLY like Hesher. Even appearance. I kinda flipped my lid a little when I saw Hesher for the first time because a list of people who are exactly like him popped in my head. It brought me back to late night parties when I was 17, hanging out with the bad ass kids, staying up till 5am getting drunk, rowdy and spraying graffiti all over buildings in the small town I live in. I loved Hesher's spirit.
That being said I must give applause to Joseph Gordon - Levitt and Rainn Wilson for their awesome performances in this film

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"I've only met Jackson Rathbone and Jerad Anderson. :/ I need to move to cali."

"(In order) 1.) House Of Leaves 2.) Dead In The Family (Sookie Stackhouse novel 12) 3.) A Clockwork Orange 4.) The Five People You Meet In Heaven 5.) The Great Gatsby 6.) The Perks of Being A Wallflow"

"i have immense love for final fantasy 9 as well :)"

"thanks for putting 3 of my lists on here! it made me smile :)"

"very nice list! You should think about adding the probation officer from "The girl with the dragon tattoo""

"A lot of these films I had no idea about, but have added to my 'want to watch list' So thanks for that! :) also, Drive was so excellent. @_@"

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"Grave of the Fireflies is the most depressing movie I've ever seen. Also you should add 'Legends of the Fall'"

"I'm sure this list took so long. Congrats on the completion!"

"1.) A Clockwork Orange 2.) Seven Samurai 3.) Trainspotting 4.) Grave Of The Fireflies 5.) Spirited Away 6.) Oldboy 7.) One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest 8.) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 9.) Elephant 10"

"this list is good. If you added little notes to why you are looking forward to them it would be better ^_^"

"dude kickass, a walk to remember, and princess diaries are all legit movies. x.x"

"A CLOCKWORK ORANGE! must add ^_^"

"lol i'm glad you liked it. You should make one too ;) I wanna hear your answers."

and some of my other lists :)
Thanks in advance!
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2013)
Sadly it was only two hours long since Skrillex was playing after, but it was great while it lasted.
Having a group of people/friends try to watch films from a common list is nice but then it is always a matter of figuring out what films to add to the list. At least having dvd in my home ensures that I'll watch them.
Still, it is the first year we are giving this a chance so there are still a few kinks to work out.
and yes PS3 all the way