"i love The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza. Worth a vote for sure :D"

"awesome list of games dude. I totally agree with a ton of them especially Need For Speed (eff Grand Turismo!) except I liked the Aladdin on SNES better. Other than that great!"

"love the list. check out Linda Cardellini as Lindsay Weir in 'Freaks and Geeks' http://www.listal.com/linda-cardellini http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1704025 "

"I'm going to have to vote for this list because it's my birth year. I was lucky and caught the 90's just in time :D. Also I never noticed how many awesome films came out the year I was born. This was "

"thanks for the suggestions I'm going to have to check out Waking Ned Divine. Also I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE PHONE BOOTH SCENE IN GOODFELLAS! I'm going to have to add it"

"Awesome idea for a list! Very informational as well :3"

"I have Sauna on my want to watch list. The way you described it, I am TOTALLY ready to put that one under my belt soon. You made me stoked to go see that film."

"This is a good list, although I must say I haven't heard of about 25-30% of these bands. I DO have to agree with you about Primus. I am 21 years old, grew up listening to Primus and thinking to myself"

"This list is fabulous. I couldn't agree with you more on Adventureland, I fell in love with that movie as well.I thought it was going to be comedy, but was PLEASANTLY surprised to find it was more dra"

"yet another great list. I totally agree with you on Following Sean."