"lolll i just watched tosh.0 where they mentioned 'Black Men Can't Swim' thats so funny. :p"

"This is a good list I love Quentin but what about in Glorious Bastards? He is in that movie too. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000233/ Apperently he's the "First scalped Nazi". Warning following l"

"Thanks for the suggestions. I added them all in. Let me know if there are anymore."

"The rich man's house from 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' ^_^"

"You must have went to the coolest school ever because I didn't get to watch half of these in school @_@"

"I love Kung Pow! I really can't stand The Happening, but your explanation on why you enjoy it was legit."

"I was gonna say Flobots - handlebars is a good one to add. This list is great :D"

"RIP Ryan Dunn D: I watched Jackass last night and it was sad D:"

"I simply will vote against Don't Mess With the Zohan. lol. I will also simply vote FOR Earth Girls are Easy. :D"

"yea nostalgia is great! especially when you turn like 20 and you realize, that childish essence will NEVER be back. God it's so sad D:. I try to keep it as long as I can."

"great idea for a list! I totally agree on all of these choices."

"You have a lot of good choices! nice job on this list."

"omg such a good list! also LOL @ the simpson's picture you used."

"I thought Ninja Assassin was pretty good imo. But everything else I agree with."

"This was awesome. This is a perfect list in so many ways."

"you should add the hacking scene in 'Weird Science' its so cheesy and hilarious."

"Nice choices! you really should watch Dread. I think you would like it."